You have got a few dives under your belt, and your starting to get the hang of this diving thing. You are spending your spare time dreaming where to dive next. The diving bug has bitten hard. Does this describe you? I’m sure it does and I bet you always looking for ways to breakthrough from beginner to experienced diver. Well I have a simple trip for you – keep an up-to-date diving logbook!
You were taught on your open water course how to use a Dive Logbook and although It’s a personal choice what information you log, here at Dive Station Pattaya we feel that your log should at a minimum include the following items:
- Date,
- Location,
- Maximum depth,
- Average depth (if your computer gives it)
- Time in and time out,
- Start and End tank pressures,
- Water temperature.
Why should I keep a Logbook?
- Having a Logbook proves your dive experience.
This comes in handy when diving somewhere new; you could simply tell a new buddy or instructor that you have 50 dives including night dives and boat dives, but it’s more valuable to have that information written down and verified by a pro or buddy’s signature. Certain situations may require a specific number of logged dives, such as advanced dives in challenging conditions, enrolling on a tech course, or beginning your Divemaster or Instructor education
- You’ll always know how much weight you need.
Sure, you can ask the SSI Divemaster for help calculating your weight every time you dive but you to learn to be more self-reliant. A record of the amount of weight you need (in various combinations of gear) in your logbook will save time and help you pinpoint the right amount of weight and improve your buoyancy.
- Planning for the Future
Your logbook can make future dive planning easier and allow you to see the progression over time, especially if log as much information as possible. A great example is logging your air consumption; you will be able to see the improvement in how much gas you use, as well as noticing what impact other factors such as temperature or water conditions have on your consumption. This will make you a better, more self-aware diver.
- Keep a list of fish sightings.
Good divers are always learning and sharing. Take notes on the marine life you see so you can look it up later. This helps expand your fish identification knowledge, so you can share it and help improve the dive experience for others.
- Memories
An up-to-date logbook is a present to your future self. The days you spend diving can be the happiest days of your life. Take the time to write down your adventures to inspire your to research your next trip. Also keep track of the lessons learned, and improve on what you did last time this may be invaluable if start a professional journey as Divemaster and beyond
- Helps build your save a dive kit
You can make not of equipment needs or repairs as and when you come across it. Good divers have a well-stocked equipment bag and well-maintained equipment you logbook notes can be invaluable in building a spares kit or ensuring you don’t forget about that broken wetsuit zip or that chewed through mouthpiece.
Like anything else in diving, there are many different choices for how to log dives. These can be categorised as paper dive logs, or smart dive logs using technology to streamline the process.
Paper Vs Apps Vs MySSI
As an SSI Diver you MySSI app is your all in one tool for your diving adventures. It holds details of all your certifications so you never turn up on holiday without your cert card (we’ve all done that!). With the digital logbook feature of MySSI, it’s also possible to enter specific dive details (like gas mixtures) for scuba diving, freediving and extended range (technical) diving! The logbook features the new ability to scan QR codes. New dive sites can be quickly created with the geo-tagging function or chosen from our global database. These dive sites can then be easily shared by giving the QR code to your dive buddy. Shared dive profile information automatically appears on your dive buddy’s mobile device, so it is no longer necessary to write down the dive’s details into a paper logbook. All of your logged dives automatically synchronize between your MySSI app and your online MySSI account.
Paper log books
For those of you who love putting pen to paper, there a myriad of simple divelog books out there, Here at Dive Station Pattaya we stock a simple book that can hold 50 dives and can easily be sliped in with your travel ducuments when you head on a dive trip.
Smart Dive Logs
Don’t let me scare you with “smart”, this could be as simple as a spreadsheet on your laptop. This option provides great customisability; it can be as information-rich as you choose to make it, and can give some great analysis of your dive statistics!
Most modern dive computers simplify this process by having their own PC/Mac interface, meaning you can simply plug in your dive computer and watch the information appear on your screen..
Some top-of-the-range dive computers come equipped with Bluetooth and their own logging apps. What could be easier than syncing your dive computer to a log on your smartphone? If you’d like your dive details at your fingertips, models such as the Suunto D5, Garmin Descent, and Shearwater Teric offer this intelligent feature.
The simple matter is, however, you do it keep logging your dives, no matter what that loudmouth on the dive boat says it not just for newbies – a logbook simple tool to improved diving for all. Here at Dive Station Pattaya we love to see Logbooks, bring yous down grab a coffee and let chat through where you have been, what you have seen and when you were there,