When you buy a mask, which should be the first piece of diving equipment you purchase, you should follow these simple steps for mask preparation to ensure its ready for use and to keep it in tip top condition to ensure it gives years of service.
Before you first use it…
Mask Preparation – Scrub the lenses
During the manufacturing process, mask skirts are injected with a releasing agent that helps them pop out of their moulds. This chemical tends to leach out of the silicone and onto the mask lens, contaminating it. This need to be removed before the mask is used for the first time, or no matter which method of defogging the mask you choose it will not work.
To remove the releasing agent, mask preparation compounds are commercially available, but here at Dive Station Pattaya we find that any mild liquid abrasive like toothpaste will do the job. Rub the toothpaste into both sides of the lenses (it doesn’t hurt to do the skirt and strap assembly too), let it dry a little then rinse thoroughly, repeat this several times, I always tell my students do it until you get bored then do it once more!!
You can also remove this release agent by carefully burning it away with lighter, this is an incredible effective method and far quicker than toothpaste, however, one false move can you could reversibly damage your shinny new mask – personally I never use the lighter method I’d damage the mask, so be warned.
Get comfy
Check the buckle system to make sure the buckles are functioning, then put on the mask for the initial strap adjustment. Ensure the headband portion of the strap is centred on the back of your head and pull tight as necessary, being careful not to pull the straps too tight. If you have long hair you might want consider neoprene mask trip cover to make thing a little more comfortable and avoid tangled hair.
After a days diving…
Wash it
To make sure all grit and salt is removed, give your mask a good soak in fresh water. It’s important to clean the lenses; sunscreen that can find its way onto the lenses will create fogging issues if not scrubbed off periodically. Keep a small tube of toothpaste with your mask and defog of chose and give the lenses a quick scrub after every week or so of diving.
Check it
Once washed, look for cracks in the skirt or the frame near the face plate. Also inspect the strap; stretch it while looking for cracks or small tears. If ever in doubt about a straps reliability, replace it. Ensure you always have spare strap in your save a dive kit. Also check the buckle attachments for cracks or debris.
Store it
To avoid mildew growth, allow the mask completely before putting them away. Do not store them near light, heat or fumes. To protect the clear silicone, store masks away from other dive gear – the darker colours found in other equipment, especially neoprene, can cause the silicone to become discoloured. The ideal place to keep it is in the box it came in and stop getting damage when you through it it your suitcase to head to you next dive destination.
Remember, as are your most personal piece so give that them with respect, here at Dive Station we can help choosing your perfect mask call in and speak to us in the shop.